Dr Levent Turk in Istanbul, Turkey

dr levent turkDr Levent TURK says he is a graduate of Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine and that in 2008 he spent 6 months at Cornell University. He says he has received training in infertility and prostate-related conditions in Turkey. He practices medicine on the European side of Istanbul and specializes in curing prostatitis with treatment consisting of intraprostatic injections.

He mentions several cases where he has treated prostatitis patients by administering between 6 and 8 injections, one per week.

We've received no feedback from any prostatitis patient concerning Dr Levent [see update ED], and can find little reliable information on him (in English).
We also have no idea of his charges at this time.
If any reader can help with verifiable details of their treatment with Dr Levent, please make contact.

UPDATE on Doctor Turks Clinic and Methods:

In July 2016 we received first-hand information from a prostatitis patient who has gone to Dr Turk for treatment (we have verified this patient's identity; they are not one of the anonymous vilifying forum posters).. Here are some excerpts from his email:

".. basic Clinic premises on 3rd floor"
".. they require tests at the start which costs ~$US800"
".. He charges $US300 per injection and I got 8 of them, all one week gap"
".. He is a nice guy, learned techniques in the USA, but doesn't appear to have reached any great level of experience"
".. There were 20 other patients there at the same time"
".. I believe he is useful only if the patient has had prostatitis for a short time"
".. There was not a high standard of cleanliness"
".. He uses ultrasound and injects 2 different formulas, one of them antibiotic and the other possibly some kind of antibiotic mix"
".. Treatment failed for me! and Istanbul is a really expensive city as well."

Please note; do not take this as a definitive assessment of Dr Turk as a Direct Injections Doctor, as it represents the experience of just one patient. If anyone has more information, please make contact via the Contact Me form.

The small number of prostate injections with a week inbetween is far from ideal, however more information/confirmation is clearly needed!

Dr Levent can be contacted here: Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or here by phone: +90 5464466340
Physical address: Küçüklanga cad Peker office building no 30 Aksaray Istanbul

He has a website here: https://www.prostatitishealing.net/



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