Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
Genitourinary Infection leading to Infertility, Prostatitis and PID can be caused by Gonorrhea, a bacteria that can invade the urethra of women and men. Once there it can spread causing PID in women, damaging the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes and causing similar havoc in men. Gonorrhea, is a very common infection. It can be spread by unprotected sex and can also infect the throat, mouth, and eyes.
Symptoms usually appear two to five days after infection, but they can take longer. Women are often asymptomatic (no symptoms) and sometimes the symptoms are non-specific enough to suspect nothing serious, until possible later symptoms of a painful or burning sensation when urinating, vaginal bleeding between periods or vaginal discharge. In men, the symptoms include burning on urination, and/or a yellow, white or green discharge from the penis, along with painful, swollen testicles.
Gonorrhea untreated can lead to serious and permanent problems such as infertility and infection of the blood or joints.
Gonorrhea Treatment
Gonorrhea has been becoming more resistant to antibiotics since the 1960s. Some strains have become resistant to fluoroquinolones like Cipro, penicillin, and tetracylcines. These strains can now only be treated with high doses of cephalosporins.
Like all Urinary tract and associated area infections. seek medical help immediately, even if symptoms seem mild, a delay could lead to pain, suffering, infertility and worse. Get re-tested after initial treatment. If problems persist and go on to become chronic, only cutting edge-treatment techniques such as direct injections of antibiotics will cure resistant, well-established Gonorrhea.