Infection Definition - Corynebacterium

Corynebacterium and Infertility; Prostatitis and PID

Corynebacterium infection symptoms are the same for urinary tract infections caused by other bacteria. This includes a burning sensation when urinating, the need to urinate frequently, cloudy urine sometimes with blood and a strong odor. If the infection progresses to the upper urinary tract some types of Corynebacteria can cause other symptoms like back pain and kidney stones.


May include the use of antibiotics such as amoxicillin, either orally or intravenously. The antibiotic will depend on the specific species of Corynebacteria found, including considering that some strains have become more resistant to antibiotics (including penicillin, erythromycin, clindamycin, rifampin, and tetracyclin).

Women and those with urinary tract abnormalities are at an increased risk for developing Corynebacteria, including those who have had surgery requiring a catheter. Many people with Corynebacterium infection are asymptomatic (have no symptoms).

Corynebacteria found in men (Prostatitis) is increasingly being identified as Corynebacterium seminale..

As usual, use condoms when meeting a new partner, get treatment quickly once any urinary-related symptoms are felt and drink plenty of water while taking the full prescribed course of medication. Corynebacterium left untreated can cause Infertility, Prostatitis and PID.

Read our Prostatitis and PID Treatment Clinic Reviews Here to resolve any current treatment difficulties.

References: ..accessed 10 Jan 2013 ..accessed 15 Feb 2013 ..accessed 22 Jan 2014 ..accessed 12 Mar 2014 ..accessed 19 Mar 2014



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