Chronic Prostatitis - How To Beat Depression

 The results are in.. over the last two years authoritative study after study has conclusively proved that dramatic alterations to the population of gut bacteria can affect the brain and mind; especially dramatically raising the risk of depression [1], [2].

This article here helps explain that research but of course, the question remains.. what does a Chronic Prostatitis patient do after the damage has been done.. and after resistant depression has set in that defies all non-drug attempts to shake it?

It's very hard to get a good direction in clinical medicine; that is, visiting your Doctor or even a Specialist. In between the family Doctor who wants you to sit it out and the Specialist who might be more willing to want to try anti-depression drugs, many of them seriously inappropriate, there's not much left for the patientto see as viable options for a condition they have never encountered before.

This article is written with a huge dose of personal experience and with absolutely no regard for "accepted practises".. because most of the time in my opinion, they defy commonsense and more often that not, the drug option can make things far worse.

Any prostatitis individual's commonsense tells them that there is a good REASON for developing treatment-resistant depression.. the most common reason in my experience is the following:

  • A person develops a genitourinary infection, for the terms of this article, it is highly likley to be bacterial.
  • A doctor refuses to send a sample to a lab. and find out exactly what the culprit is, so that the right medication can be used; this is usually due to laziness.
  • The developing infection is not treated in time with the correct antibiotic, missing the relatively small window of opportunity time-wise, and the infection becomes lodged in the prostate, largely immune to oral and IV antibiotics.
  • The nightmare has begun
  • From now on there will typically be course after course of antibiotic prescribed. The side-ffects will be minor to extreme depending on the class chosen. Fluoroquinolones, like Ciproxin and Levofloxacin are typically the most damaging and that class is probably the largest culprit for the patient to go on to develop depression.
  • The tragedy is that once the treatment window has closed, truckloads of serious antibiotics are highly unlikely to remove the infection; it usually becomes ensconsed in the prostate as a nidus of infection; untouchable in terms of total eradication. The antibiotics may help the rest of the urogenital system, but it will get constantly reinfected from the prostate, mainly by means of ejaculation. Even forgoing ejaculation doesn't stop this re-infection, it just widens the period between reinfection.
  • As the infection moves into a deeper chronic state, biofilms and other mechanisms form which can make the bacteria 1,000 times harder to treat with antibiotics [3] (outside the prostate).
  • As this progress progresses, the pain, the stress, the effects of the antibiotic (altering the body's defences/immune system etc,) often with permanent diarrhoea, all starts to take a toll on the individual, especially where a fluoroquinolone antibiotic is involved. Typically relationships start to be strained and work performance suffers.
  • Very often, at this stage, degrees of depression start to emerge.

 But Just How bad can it get?

There will be people reading this article who already know how bad it can get, and if you haven't already discovered this, it's not meant to scare you. It's meant to inform, because nobody else is likely to tell you.

Many of the prescribers of antibiotics have no idea of what damage they are setting up in a person; if they knew, then why would they do it?

Here's a consensus of the worst states that can appear as related to me by that class of person who has written to me.

  • The girlfriend is usually the first to go, and unless she carelessly infected you, who can blame her?
  • Then things start to get difficult at work; resulting in anything from passed-over job advancement to actually losing one's job
  • Heavy drinking, especially alone usually follows
  • If married, partner problems are intensifying and just being around the house is difficult.
  • You're taking a ton of various kinds of pain/symptom modifiers, some highly likely to do more damage than the reverse (example: alpha-blockers)
  • As time wears on, somewhere round this point, stress and pain turn into depression.. and pain.
  • Fast forward several years and the property assets are gone, job gone, partner gone, depression has alienated most of even your staunchest friends.
  • You're living on a sickness benefit and are always inches away from eviction and having enough money to buy food.
  • Depression has a sickening, perpetual heavy weight on your chest and you're at the lowest most brutal part of your life.

There have been many usually older chronic infectious prostatitis sufferers who have related portions or all of the above to me.

How to overcome highly resistant DEPRESSION after years of a never-ending crisis

(ALL directly caused in many cases by the original ineptness/laziness of a medical practitioner.)

1/ Depression Caught Early

Every advice you'll receive is "Exercise".. and for depression caught early, it's far and away proved to be the absolute best thing to do, however it usually needs a package of factors to be successful:

  • SLEEP - you must be getting a reasonable amount of sleep, and often a depressed person isn't. If the problem is nowhere near chronic insommnia, then the exercise compnent may help fix this, or you may want to try a natural helper like Melaatonin. There are other natural solutions.
    If you have developed chronic insommnia.. see below in the "Serious Depression" section
  • RELATIONSHIPS -  you can't easily make progress if every time you, for example, do a great resistance workout and come home feeling great to again get embroiled in an unhappy living space.
  • THE FOOD YOU EAT - If you're not on top of your diet and in at least reasonable shape, building an exercise program is going to be hard. Because you're putting a range of needed actions together, it shouldn't be a major effort, just make sure what you eat and drink is reasonable. If you build up the exercise compnent, you'll generally find your diet and fitness follows the applied effort.
  • ALCOHOL - DRUGS - in the case of alcohol, just work on a simple plan to keep consumption very reasonable, as outlined here [#]
    In the case of drugs,if you are as advanced as being addicted to some kind of narcotic, I highly suggest that this plan won't work for you because of the number of initiatives already involved. I personally would want to attack the drugs part first with as aggressive a program that you can find help with.
  • Finally EXERCISE.. the most rewarding things you can do in my opinion, is a slow buildup of resistance exercise..
    Every day find a reasonable amount of an exercise challenge which:
    • Is NOT a joint wearing out session like running on a gym machine. The thing about this is you have to sweat to get the exercise high.
    • Outside, in say.. a park setting makes the time fly by, because you are in "nature" with positive energy all around you, which, in my case anyway, could never be found in a gym.
    • Must include RESISTANCE, like going up a hill. If you have a small mountain near you, that's the place.. and as time goes on you can hit that hill faster and faster. Just plodding along running, even fast, is far, far less effective.
  • If there are other causative factors to your depression that you know of you simply must address them/include them in this plan. No doubt they will be thorny and of course if they were easily solvable, you would have fixed them already. The key is to try and do something about them and let the other remedial things you are doing get buoyed up by the euphoria of resistance exercise.
  • ONE very important thing is start slowly, increase it a little every day, AND NEVER GIVE UP. 

 (second part below..)

These look like commonsense, but you'd be surprised if you could listen/see yourself in action

100 solutions to stress and depression - Part 1 - Chronic Prostatitis


2/ Depression which is serious and is certainly at least, not resolvable by the plan above

 [more coming soon]



This article's focus is Chronic Prostatitis and what to do to beat persistent depression.. for a run-down of the terrible risk incurred by taking truckloads of Antibiotics causing depression.. go and have a read here.. 


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